Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kane & Lynch

Possibly the weirdest acting type job I ever had. Last week was flown all expenses paid to Turin, where I had to imitate a computer generated gun-wielding psychopath. Not, it must be said, the hardest work I ever did, as I'm inclined towards gun-wielding psychopath sort of stuff naturally. Anyway we just had to wander around this very posh Accademia, swearing a lot and threatening each other, and generally scaring the students, while some Italian academics droned on about artificial intelligence. Were taken for a meal by the very nice people from Eidos, and flew home the next day. Really trippy couple of days. The only thing we lacked were the guns, but it probably wasn't worth the hassle trying to get them through customs.
'Kane', by the way, is Doug. A proper actor, who's going to be in Torchwood in January.


Dominic Zero said...

Nice. I reckon you've got a career there.

Anonymous said...

This is so cool. Fabulous look! Merry Christmas Refriedxx

Molly Bloom said...

We saw this in W H Smiths in the week. I reckon Domster is right. Excellent!